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Phone Numbers

Buy multiple phone numbers and send your messages from any of your numbers.

James avatar
Written by James
Updated over a week ago

Buying multiple phone numbers is a powerful feature of Textedly. You can buy as many phone numbers as you want. You can send SMS and MMS messages from all of your phone numbers.

You can purchase Toll-Free numbers, and you can purchase 10DLC Long Code numbers. Search for any local area code you want on the 10DLC Long Code numbers, or search for any Toll-Free area codes that you want.

You can give each phone number a custom name, and you can decide if you want to voice-enable your phone numbers. The Voice Enable feature allows you to receive phone calls to your phone numbers.

When it comes time to blast out your messages, you simply choose what number to send from when creating your new text blast campaign.

Each Textedly account comes with one main Toll-Free number and one 10DLC number, free of charge. You can buy as many as you want after that.

Navigate to the Numbers section and select "Get More Phone Numbers"

Search and buy more Toll-Free numbers

Search and buy more 10DLC Long Code numbers

Register each number under the Numbers tab

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