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Managing Keywords
Emily avatar
Written by Emily
Updated over 4 months ago

Effectively managing your keywords is crucial for organizing your contacts and streamlining communication. This guide will walk you through how to transfer contacts and delete keywords properly.

How to Transfer Contacts from Keyword to Keyword:

If you need to transfer contacts from one keyword to another, follow these steps:

  • Select the contacts you want to transfer by checking the box next to their names.

  • In the top-right corner of the screen, open the Actions drop-down menu and choose Change Keyword.

  • Select the new keyword to transfer the contacts.

How to Delete a Keyword:

To delete a keyword, you must first remove all contacts associated with it:

  1. Filter your contacts by the keyword you want to delete using the contacts filter bar.

  2. Bulk-select all the contacts by clicking the checkbox at the top of the contact list.

  3. Go to the Actions drop-down menu and choose Delete to remove these contacts.

Once all associated contacts are deleted, you can go to the Keywords page and delete the keyword by clicking the trash icon next to the keyword name.

How to Purchase an Additional Keyword:

To purchase an extra keyword:

  1. Click on the keywords page and then click New Keyword in the top right corner of your screen

  2. Then select Buy Extra and enter the amount of keywords you wish to purchase.

Additional Notes

  • You are not able to change the name of a keyword after it has been created. Instead, you would need to delete the keyword and create a new one if you wish to have a keyword with a different name.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage your keywords, ensuring your contact lists are organized and optimized for communication. If you have further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team! 😊

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